Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A few observations...

1) why are there some people who will not hold the door open even if the next person is right behind them. seriously, are they that inconsiderate? completely clueless? or do they just not know any better?

2) there are many people on campus who are clueless about where they are walking. Generally speaking, i am not one of them. I make a point to carefully maneuver out of the way. This works except for on the rare occasion that the other person is also in the small "i watch where i'm going and think about others" crowd. Then it can get tricky as we both try to accommodate to the other person. I guess its a good thing everyone isn't so observant.

3) Lately I've had a thirsty throat that i just can't satisfy. I think the dryness comes from being sick. Its a sad sad feeling to drink water and not be able to fully quench the thirst.

4) This observation is more of a question. How much PDA is acceptable? holding hands? a hug goodbye? a short kiss goodbye? any thoughts? A friend told me today that while she was dating her last boyfriend she wouldn't even think about kissing him on campus. Now i've never been a fan of huge amounts of PDA, but i think there are some things that are cute and acceptable and in fact, should be encouraged.

5) I hope i'm still holding hands with my husband when we are 95 years old.

6) Airline companies are annoying. I looked into buying tickets online last week. All days were about $110 each way. Today i check and they are running a special where the tickets are only $80 one way. EXCEPT for the week surrounding Thanksgiving. Instead, said tickets are twice the normal price. Now thats just cruel, don't you think? The principles of supply and demand are not working in my favor.

7) I have a horrible memory. I will be $130 richer when I finally remember to do two simple things.

8) Typically thanksgiving is a favorite holiday of guys who eat, play sports and watch football all day. but not usually of the moms who get up early to cook, cook more, and then clean up all day.

9) I observe that it is 9:30 and i finally get to leave work! YAY!

10) smile :)


Cortney said...

you have finally posted! I've been looking forward to it :)

Unknown said...

I think a kiss on a cheek on campus is fine. Thats cute! Holding hand till your cute!! I hope I can do that too! Are you going home for thanksgiving?!?!?

Jess Gonzales said...

Ps. those are cute clothes you have. I find that I want to go shopping but maybe I'll wait til I have a job. But I was going to say that PDA on campus needs to be minimal: holding hands is great but just a tiny peck is allowable. It's sad but I think that's how it's supposed to be.
I'm glad you blogged!

Jess Gonzales said...

Oh and Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!!! I love to eat and play and watch football and just hang out. It is one of the best days! Yummy, now you got me all excited!