Wow. I almost don't know where to start. I feel the need to apologize for not writing in my blog in the last 4 months, but i also don't want to apologize. To apologize would be to admit that my time hasn't been spent doing better things. And i can NOT say that. The last 4 months have been better than I ever imagined possible. Here is a quick update on the last four months. A few quick highlights....
Although i was proud of Brett for successfully meeting my parents, i was also proud of myself for successfully surviving a trip to Baker City, Oregon. Alright, all kidding aside, i really enjoyed our two trips up to baker last semester. It was fun to see where brett was from and what life in a small town is like. I even got the chance to drive the four wheeler and only got partially covered in mud during the process.
As any normal couple should do, Brett and I spent every weekend together and went on some fun dates. This picture was of the night we went to see Forgotten Carols. I love getting all dressed up to go out. Definitely a good night :)
One cold sunday night we traveled down to salt lake to see the lights at temple square. It was beautiful!!
That very same night, I became the luckiest girl in the world when Brett proposed to me and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him.
Since being engaged, we celebrated a christmas apart and were both glad to come back to provo where we are anxiously planning our wedding. Brett is taking a full load of classes and working at the MTC. I'm finishing up my last few classes, continuing my internship at the hospital, and working part-time at the hospital. This semester has proved to be less demanding and we are both appreciating the extra time we have to spend together. This last weekend my amazing roommate Chaela offered to take some pictures of us. So, in case you didn't get enough pictures of Brett and I in this post, here are a few more. What can i say, we are a dang cute couple!
Its only fitting that some of the pictures included a chalk board. After all, we did meet in class :)

my internet isn't allow me to upload any more pictures... annoying, i know. so you'll just have to deal with these pics for now. I'll post more later.
WOW! I'm shocked! YOu finally posted! I'm so happy for you both! Cute pics!
kirsten! so cute! I miss you, but it looks like your time definitely has been well spent. Good luck planning your wedding. Let's play sometime :)
Oh Yay!! Congratulations!! I am soooooooo excited for you!!!!!! Yay Yay Yay Yay!!!!!!
Finally! and yes you two do make a very cute couple!
yeah, I took those big deal...
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