Friday, August 1, 2008

little bloodsuckers

as the title of my blog states "sometimes words come rushing out, sometimes they just trickle" today is a day of rushing words my friends. why? well there are multiple contributing factors 1) i'm at work avoiding music cataloging 2) its friday and i finally have some free time to blog... its been a while and 3) i'm in a good mood. :)

The focus of this blog is on the pesky little bug we call mosquitos.

I was sitting outside with brett the other night. near grass, which was my first mistake. when suddenly my knee started to itch. Frustrated i looked down to see a nice red mark appearing. Of course i itched it. Of course brett told me to stop. Now lets fast forward to today. my knee still itches, but its not alone. I have two bites on my left knee, two on my left calf, one on my left foot, one on my right foot, one on my right achilles tendon, and two other small ones on my right leg. yes, count them, thats NINE (9). And if you know me, you know i am a picker and itcher and a baby. so its really hard to try and "ignore" the itch. I realize that ignoring them makes them decrease and eventually go away, but its just so hard!

I found this website about how to "How to Get Rid of a Mosquito Bite" Maybe i'll try some of the remedies when i get home from work.


Kirsten said...

i just found another bite... on my foot... :(

Anonymous said...

ya know... mosquitoes are attracted to the scent of bananas... so next time you indulge in your beloved fruit, think of all of those pesky mosquitoes that will be attacking you...

Jess Gonzales said...

be grateful it's not 90! Some people just got back from the beach today, they slept over last night, and a girl counted 90! but 9 is still bad