So I had a little panic attack this afternoon. I got really tense, ornery and cranky very suddenly for no particular reason. It both concerned and bothered me and I want to figure out the cause. So i decided that the best way to do so was to "talk it out" in my blog.

We'll start with a review of my day.... You see, today was a reading day so I planned out my day and felt good about it all. Then i wake up, check my e-mail and realize that my boss needed me to come into the office for her sometime today. Normally, not a problem but i had to be back home by 12 and it was already 9:30. I rushed getting ready, skipped showering and eating breakfast and hurried up to campus. She needed me to take some "non copyrighted" pictures so i spent the next hour walking around campus, trying to be creative. the good news is that she said they were perfect (go me!). I finished that project just in time to come home and make brownies for maria's bridal shower party. Unfortunately the kitchen was a disaster zone so i spent the next hour doing dishes while
chelsea (thanks
chels!) made the brownies. Next was the bridal shower...lots of fun! but before i knew it, it was almost 3 and i hadn't accomplished even one thing that i had planned to do today.
That's when the panic started. I checked my e-mail and found one from an old friend so i read that... only to find that it dealt with some issues that i didn't really want to be thinking about at the time. Then i received a text from a friend who wanted to set up a group study time some time soon. So i set off to try and coordinate 4 peoples schedules and find a time that would work. at the same time, i was talking online to a co-worker and thinking about a potential problem arising regarding our work party tomorrow. that reminded me that i still needed to go to the grocery store which i had
completely forgotten about. At the same time (yes, i usually multi task) i was talking to a friend about planning another party and realized i needed to go shopping for that. There is also a lunch i am trying to plan with a group of friends, but they aren't being cooperative. I was also thinking about boys and the complications that they bring and the fact that i still have concerns about relationships that stem back to how things went with
ryan. At the same time my mom called to say that she had looked over a scholarship essay that i sent her and had "many" corrections for me. The essay deadline is quickly approaching and i really need to get it done so that i can eat next year. On top of all of that my friend told me that there is a "secret surprise" that i can't know about until tomorrow. I don't like not knowing things, so that didn't go over well. I'm not sure, but i think that is enough to make anyone stress out. or maybe its just me who couldn't handle it. :-\
The most frustrating part was the fact that i reacted so negatively. I'm usually pretty good at handling stress (if i do say so myself). So i don't know what happened!! all i know is that there are a few things i learned/relearned/realized about myself....
- i like structure. thats why i schedule my days with such detail
- i don't like when things don't go as planned.
- i like knowing whats going on... it makes me feel important and i'm needy like that
- i don't like texting about plans. it takes to long to get answers
- i like making lists because they help me stay organized but if i forget something, its bad news
- i don't like how emotionally polar i can be sometimes
- i like writing blogs
- i don't like how they might make me come off (emotional, crazy, weak, a whiner, etc etc)
- i like that i made a pattern in this list
- and i like that i am going to end with likes (dislikes are so negative!)
Kirsten, I think you are a wonderful person and handled today as best you could. I would be going crazy if that happened to me today. (If I remember correctly I bit the dust pretty hard yesterday over something much more trivial.) I have always wished I had as much patience as you do and got things done like you do as well. I hope your evening goes better than your night. :)
I'm sorry that I added to your already bad day with the whole secret surprise thing, but it really isn't that big of a deal. But like Elise, I find you to be quite an amazing person, with a level head that has helped me in more than one situation. Yay for you!
Kirsten, you're amazing! Don't try to multi task too much, sometimes it's ok to just... not do things :) You can make it! Hey, finals are almost oover :)
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