problem: my mind just blanked. I have nothing interesting to say. this is weird
solution: I guess I can just talk about whats happened in my life in the past little while. Since my last post i have finished a semester of college (only one year left til i graduate!), moved into a new apartment (yay for being 7 minutes away from the campus library), went to my old roommates wedding(congrats jess!), planned a trip to california for another past roommate who is getting hitched (i leave on thursday! sunny beaches here i come!), started a new part time job at the ref desk(in addition to my part-time job in library instruction) and started a new relationship (... =) ...).

Life has been pretty good to say the least. I'm excited to see what the summer holds in store and SOO excited for the weather to be nice and warm. Eric and I laid outside on the grass today while I ate my dinner and it was BEAUTIFUL! I hope its still decently warm at midnight when I walk home tonight because i just realized I didn't bring a jacket. Luckily for me its only 7 minutes away!!
I love how writing can make me so happy. I'm in a good mood right now despite the fact that i'll be here for 2 more hours. Blogging was definately a good idea!
Kirsten! I was at work late today too, though not as late as you. And it helps that I can watch Lost while I work... keeps me from going crazy :) But hold on, you're cataloging music scores?! Whaaaa? Since when did you work for the music and dance library?? Or if you don't, what the heck are you doing cataloging scores you crazy girl? Well good luck making it till midnight, and good luck with things with Eric ;) That is exciting!
teeheeee. I'm so happy for you and it makes me want to blog, but I've been on the computer all day looking for a hotel for all of us to stay in that isn't shady and all that jazz... and it's almost midnight which is definitely past my bedtime. See--Joel goes away and I revert back to my single state and I get tired and cranky and not happy. No good. and now I'm rambling. Good luck with the insane amounts of library these next few days. See you soon!!!
oh, and no worries. I won't tell your boss. :)
I'm telling everyone you work with. You best be ready to work hard when you get back from California. I didn't do any work at all this week. Ha
Writing makes me feel better too.
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